Monday, March 12, 2018

Summit of Margherita peak in the Rwenzori - Uganda

EN: This is 7 March last week, Roland Monsegu (based in Ireland and I with our two guides (Samuel, Edson) reached the summit of Uganda. I was recruited by the editor of the Inflight magazine of Brussels Airlines to write about this climb for the May issue.

FR: Le 7 Mars, semaine dernière, Roland Monsegu (Franco-Irlandais de et moi-même avons atteint le sommet de l'Ouganda (et RDC). J'ai été attitré par BrusselsAirlines (BA) pour écrire un article sur ce trek et ascension. Ce sera publié dans le magazine Inflight de BA en Mai.

For this trip I used the Berghen Karakorum trekking boots They were completely waterproof against the mud and the water. After the trip they still looked brand new. Excellent European made quality.

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