
Louis-Philippe Loncke ("Mad Belgian") - GSM Mobile +32(0)492.911.250  (9h00 - 19h00)
Email: info ATT

Main site you must bookmark to access all I do +
BOOK a spot in my agenda for expedition consulting or Journalist interview

Louis-Philippe Loncke, october 2021

Fan Newsletters and Press Releases

Journalist ? Click to subscribe to the Press Releases (only Press Releases)

Fan? Click to subscribe the Fan Newsletter (4-6 times per year)

Media and press photos
You will find all my social sites and more on my page

My handle (username) is @LonckeLph

Youtube - Instagram - Facebook Fan Page (more active) - Twitter
Garmin Inreach (follow movement on expeditions)
How and why to contact me?
  • By email (see above). Please try to avoid Facebook messenger.
  • Introduce yourself. Please tell me who you are, how you found me and be specific on why you contact me.
  • I don't spend time answering questions that have an answer by a search on the internet, especially if related to my expeditions and the information written on my blogs.
  • If you want me to help you. Well, my time is very precious. Often free but for a large question or consulting, there is a fee. See Services
Other Sites and Ventures / Projects
MadBelgian for the series of films of the recent expeditions/trips. Use #MadBelgian in Youtube.
LouPhi Test for a channel where I test things. Use #LouPhiTest in Youtube.